Practical 10 Code Solution

ABM Result

Note that this is a stochastic model, so your result will be different from mine, and different each time you run your model. unles you set the seed to 1824

Understanding GIS: Practical 10
@author jonnyhuck

Schelling's segregation ABM


New Topics:
    Creating Classes

from copy import deepcopy
from random import shuffle, choice, seed
from matplotlib.pyplot import subplots, savefig, subplots_adjust

class Schelling:
	* Class representing Schelling Model

	# class variable containing list of neighbours
	neighbours = [ (i, j) for i in range(-1, 2) for j in range(-1, 2) if (i, j) != (0, 0) ]

	def __init__(self, width, height, empty_ratio, similarity_threshold, n_iterations):
		* Initialise and populate the model

		# initialise instance variables with the arguments
		self.width = width
		self.height = height
		self.empty_ratio = empty_ratio
		self.similarity_threshold = similarity_threshold
		self.n_iterations = n_iterations

		# # initialise other variables
		self.agents = {}

		# get all house addresses
		all_houses = [(x, y) for x in range(self.width) for y in range(self.height)]

		# shuffle the order of the houses

		# calculate the number that should be empty
		n_empty = int(self.empty_ratio * len(all_houses))

		# identify the empty houses with list slicing
		self.empty_houses = all_houses[:n_empty]	# from the start to index=n_empty

		# get the rest of the houses
		remaining_houses = all_houses[n_empty:]		# from index=n_empty to the end

		# get the agents for each group using list slicing and comprehension
		red_group = [[coords, 'red'] for coords in remaining_houses[0::2]]		# every other cell from 0 to the end
		blue_group = [[coords, 'blue'] for coords in remaining_houses[1::2]]	# every other cell from 1 to the end

		# add the both sets of agents to the instance variable
		self.agents.update(dict(red_group + blue_group))

	def is_unsatisfied(self, agent):
		* Determine if a particular agent is unsatisfied (too many neighbours
		*  from the other group)

		# initialise count variables
		count_similar = 0
		count_different = 0

		# loop through neighbours
		for n in self.neighbours:
				# log whether the group of the neighbour matches the agent
				if self.agents[(agent[0]+n[0], agent[1]+n[1])] == self.agents[agent]:
					count_similar += 1
					count_different += 1

			# if we go off the edge of the map or house is empty
			except KeyError:

			# return whether or not the proportion of similar neighbours meets the threshold
			return count_similar / (count_similar + count_different) < self.similarity_threshold

		# catch the situation when there are only empty neighbours
		except ZeroDivisionError:

			# if this is the case they will be satisfied
			return False

	def run(self):
		* run the model
		# for each iteration (1:n, rather than 0:n-1)
		for i in range(1, self.n_iterations+1):

			# create a new copy of the agents
			self.old_agents = deepcopy(self.agents) # note deep copy so that we can edit the elements in the collection

			# init counter variable for the number of changes
			n_changes = 0

			# loop through each agent
			for agent in self.old_agents:

				# check if they are satisfied
				if self.is_unsatisfied(agent):

					# randomly choose an empty house for them to move to
					empty_house = choice(self.empty_houses)

					# add the new / remove the old location of the agent's house
					self.agents[empty_house] = self.agents[agent]
					del self.agents[agent]

					# add the new / remove the old house from the list of empty houses

					# increment changes counter
					n_changes += 1

			# update the user
			print(f"Iteration: {i}, Number of changes: {n_changes}")
			# self.plot(f"Schelling Model ({i} Iterations)", f"./out/10-{i}.png")

			# stop iterating if no changes happened
			if n_changes == 0:
				print(f"\nFound optimal solution at {i} iterations\n")
		# if we did not find an optimal solution
		if (i == self.n_iterations):
			print(f"\nOptimal solution not found after {self.n_iterations} iterations\n")

		# return the number of iterations
		return i

	def plot(self, my_ax, title):
		* Plot the current state of the model
		my_ax.set_title(title, fontsize=10, fontweight='bold')
		my_ax.set_xlim([0, self.width])
		my_ax.set_ylim([0, self.height])

		# plot agents one by one
		for agent in self.agents:

			# we can use the agent's group name as the colour directly!
			my_ax.scatter(agent[0]+0.5, agent[1]+0.5, color=self.agents[agent])

# set the seed for the analysis

# setup the agents in the model
schelling = Schelling(25, 25, 0.25, 0.6, 500)

# initialise plot with two subplots (1 row, 2 columns), removed wspace=0.1
fig, my_axs = subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14, 6))

# reduce the gap between the subplots

# plot the initial state of the model into the first axis
schelling.plot(my_axs[0], 'Initial State')

# set the agents going
iterations =

# add the overall title into the model
fig.suptitle(f"Schelling Model of Segregation ({schelling.similarity_threshold * 100:.2f}% Satisfaction after {iterations} iterations)")

# plot the result into the second axis
schelling.plot(my_axs[1], "Final State")

# output image
savefig(f"./out/10.png", bbox_inches='tight')